Mother & daughter - matching jackets

Mother & daughter - matching jackets

The sweetness of matching Jackets

There’s something undeniably endearing about seeing a mother and her daughter in matching outfits, especially on a day as significant as a wedding. These matching jackets create a visual bond that symbolizes the unbreakable connection and radiates a sense of unity.

Imagine the collective “aww” that will fill the air as you and your little one walk down the aisle wearing matching jackets. Your guests will be enchanted, and you can bet they’ll be talking about it for weeks to come.

Luciana Aymar and Fernando Gonzalez are both ex profesional athletes in Hockey and Tennis, olympic golden medal winners. Given their tough careers, as soon as they retired, they decided that forming a family was priority. After having two kids and the youngest turning 2, they were finally ready to say I do!

She got matching jackets with Lupe and he got a matching tuxedo with Felix.

In recent times, there has been a significant shift in wedding priorities. Couples are no longer solely focused on themselves; instead, they are choosing to celebrate their union as a family. The wedding is becoming more than just a ceremony; it’s evolving into a profound family statement.

For those who play a parental role in each other’s lives, whether it’s a stepmother and stepdaughter or any other special relationship, the choice to wear matching jackets becomes even more poignant. It’s a symbolic gesture that illustrates the love, care, and support you provide for one another. It’s a reflection of the unique family dynamics that have enriched your lives.

As you embark on this journey of planning a family-oriented wedding and exploring matching jackets for mothers and daughters, you’ll find an abundance of options and styles to choose from.

How does it work?

The matching jacket will be quoted in regards of the total ordered amount on the other jacket(s).

I understand kids outgrow their jackets quickly, so I try my best to quote accordingly.

Acquiring a jacket for his/her needed size can (or not) be tricky so please notify my as soon as you can. I konw some brands who have childrens jackets but it might be necessary to adapt to availability depending on the timeline.

Leave your regular Bridal Jacket down payment and let me about your plan to include a matching jacket.

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